Sometimes we wonder why we are going through spiritual warfare but the truth is - this is when we are closest to a breakthrough. 2 Corinthians 10:3 says, "For though we walk in the flesh - we do not war in the flesh." It's not in our flesh to do things God's way. We have a propensity for disobedience - it's the inclination of our flesh. Our greatest strongholds are often from within and it takes serious warfare to conquer them.
It's not normally within us to see our own flaws. We can be so mired in our own error and reasoning that no light shines on the problems within us. Sometimes our mind is so bogged down that the truth in black and white is not even truth to us. What others can clearly see - we reason away, making excuses and justifying our actions.
So how do we conquer strongholds? Through serious prayer and completely surrendering our will to God. Also, by walking in faith - trusting that He will come through for us when we are pliable to Him. How do we know He will come through for us? Because of what He has already done in our lives! Start thanking Him today for favor on your life and for all the many blessings He has given you!
Pastor Yolanda and I are excited about what God is going to do this Sunday! Join with us as we declare revival over COLC and come expecting miracles to happen!
Celebrating life!
Pastor Joseph Morgan
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