Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Are you Attractive/HOT?
Yes I said it.
Are you hot?!! Are you good looking?
Society has put a big emphasis on our looks and our outward appearance. I was reading my Bible a few weeks ago and read how in the last days the bride will make herself ready. Well isn't that making yourself beautiful? It's funny to me how we will take the time to primp and get decked out for a hot date but we forget to prepare ourselves for God. I was telling our youth just that.
I asked them "Are you HOT?".
I think they might have thought I lost my mind. Well that's what youth pastors do... we lose our minds! Some of you deal with one or two teens... try 40 or 50! :)
I also asked our students, "Have you ever crushed on God?"
It's a valid question.
Have you been so attractive to God that He actually wanted to hang out with you? Un-Hot people make God throw up! Revelations 3:15-17 says that if you are not HOT that it makes Him sick. God likes us to make a decision all in or nothing. You can't be faithful to your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend half of the time and expect a wonderful relationship. Or expect them to even stick around. So why do we do that to God? The awesome thing about God is he gives more than one chance. Thank
you Lord!! Cause I'd be in a hot mess.
I gave our youth 3 things they could do to be attractive to God. I'll give them to you...
1-Prepare Yourself:
If you know your date likes certain kinds of music don't you get your iPod out and get a playlist together that will set the atmosphere? Do you have a song that's just you and your significant other? Well get one for you and God! Have you ever been in the waiting room at the doctors office and said, "Oh yeah - this is me and God's jam!"
I know... sounds nuts, but God loves the fact that you think of Him constantly.
2-Don't Be Looking:
If my wife thought I was still shopping!!! Wow!! I'd be dead! Think about it. Sometimes we are in a relationship with God but we are still shopping and looking for something that can fill void or just the next best thing.
What if God knew we didn't want anything else and we showed Him that by our actions. Wow! Talk about getting whatever you want. Give God a reason to give you a crazy blessing.
3-Change It Up:
Pastor Morgan said once, we should "change it up with God." This is so true. I'm getting better at it myself. I've been known to go in and give the same praise and worship, say the same things or do the same thing. God needs to hear from us in different ways.
For instance.... If you are a man who hates going to the movies and your wife loves it, do you just never take her? Not a chance. Nobody else is taking my wife to the movies:)!! Well think about what you think you can't do for God because you don't like to or you don't feel you are qualified
to do and DO IT. Some of the best worshipers can't sing a lick on pitch but God loves the fact that they don't care what people think because they do it unto the Lord.
This was just a little taste of what we talked about in our service. I hope this has
challenged you to be HOT for God.
Youth Pastor Tre' Corley
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